I don’t have a cell phone anymore, please send me an email with your phone number. I’ll call you and we can arrange a zoom singing session. I can’t wait. tootaloobuckaroo AT gmail DOT com
I thank you both, so much. I lost a child over a 1 yr ago who was not forced into child trafficking but ended up at Chilfren of the Night in L.A. That was horrible all on it's own.
I've also married into a Bennion family in CA in 2004 & I am absolutely disgusted at this. I will do anything I can to help. I follow both of your substacks, I've signed the petition, & I have shared the link to a few friends here in CA.
Jenny, I appreciate your diligence in sharing your knowledge. You mentioned you broke down the list of names involved from the victims statements. Where can I find the list you referenced?
Thank you both, so much. It’s a small victory and progress in the right direction. I’m so grateful.
These small victories make all of the work so worth it!
Call me Kate and let’s do some singing…
I don’t have a cell phone anymore, please send me an email with your phone number. I’ll call you and we can arrange a zoom singing session. I can’t wait. tootaloobuckaroo AT gmail DOT com
So much supporting you all in prayer, in intent and in complete solidarity against this evil!
I thank you both, so much. I lost a child over a 1 yr ago who was not forced into child trafficking but ended up at Chilfren of the Night in L.A. That was horrible all on it's own.
I've also married into a Bennion family in CA in 2004 & I am absolutely disgusted at this. I will do anything I can to help. I follow both of your substacks, I've signed the petition, & I have shared the link to a few friends here in CA.
Bless you Kerrie!
Jenny, I appreciate your diligence in sharing your knowledge. You mentioned you broke down the list of names involved from the victims statements. Where can I find the list you referenced?
Go El is the person who compiled that list. It is prolly on his Substack somewhere.
I do not have the gumption to go find it for you.
The names are also located in the victims statements.
Here is the first six weeks of my coverage of this case!
Goel mentioned sharing documents from Gordon Bowen's divorce. Where can I find those?
He is planning to share them with me sometime in the next few weeks.
I will announce it here on my Substack.