
The Music is Beckoning

Fall always entices me into auditioning for a show. But not this year…

I promised my husband that I am not going to audition for any more shows until I have lost fifty more pounds (I have lost 94 pounds over the past few years!!!) and am mostly off oxygen supplementation.

I had to drop out of The Sound of Music last fall because I was not healthy enough to perform the 20 shows they had scheduled.

The company had multiple days when we were performing back to back three hour shows with a matinee and evening performances. In my prime this would have been challenging but where I am now health wise, it was impossible.

I have auditioned for six companies over the last two years and only scored this one gig, so I promised Paul I would not try any more until I am healthier. It is motivating to have this goal, but the weight loss has been slow going these past few months and I am impatient to get back on stage.

When my babies were little I promised myself that I would come back to theatre as a grandma character actor, but I did not factor in the complete loss of my health and a plague like Covid shutting down my industry.

Podcasting has become a passion and many of the skills I learned onstage are easy to transfer over to this mighty realm of communications.

It is challenging though to see all of the fall audition notices for choirs singing Messiah and the many musical theatre shows being cast right now for holiday concerts, choirs, and theatrical companies.

There is something about fall weather that just entices me to start rehearsing something.

Here is an β€œold” online video audition!

I am still teaching at my online vocal studio, so if YOU are getting ready to audition for anything, contact me, because I specialize in Audition Prep, especially for Musical Theater.

New Student Survey.

Musical Theatre Voice Lessons at The Jenny Hatch Vocal StudioΒ 

*an 8 week intensive series of lessons for all ages! $55/Lesson

Cannot afford these prices? Β Make me an offer, I will still probably accept you as a student.

Weekly Lesson Topics:

1. Selling yourself at an Audition

2. Onstage Persona

3. When you have fun, you give the audience permission to have fun

4. Listening to the Spirit

5. Accompany Yourself – Quad Threat Performer

6. Stylin’ (or in other words, not every performer needs to be the same) *Notes on teaching STYLES/TECHNIQUES

7. Your body is your instrument

8. Finding your voice and your roles

An eight class series of weekly 45 minute private lessons for the serious Musical Theatre Performer with a strong emphasis on Music Theory.

Musical Curriculum used during the intensive is the Alfred’s Essentials of Music Theory Book 1 – with Ear Training. We will cover one unit of material per week.

In addition to topics stated performers will also be taught how to:

Prepare a Theatrical Resume’
Head Shots
Show up fully prepared to an audition

For an additional fee of $1900.00 a professional web site will be created as your online theatrical resume’.

Directors are increasingly holding online auditions at the beginning of the audition process and having a site, bio, videos, and head shots online helps when seeking work.

*My web site service is also available for those who do not take my lessons.

During the Lessons we will also cover Audition Tips:

How to choose the β€œBEST” 32 Measures of a song

The β€œBEST” one minute monologues

How to deal with rejection when you don’t get the part

And yes, we will actually do some SINGING too!

Jenny Hatch Resume Updated November 2017

2 slots available Thursday afternoons from 1:30 to 3:30 PM (This class has been designed for College Aged Students and above. Β 

If you are a middle or high school student contact me at JennyMHatch@Gmail.com or 435-592-3884 to discuss alternative times)

$440.00 for the 8 week series or $55.00 per lesson.

Lessons are taught at the vocal studio in my home in Longmont Colorado.

I also teach Zoom Lessons online.

I also recorded my Concert of Hope for my friend Mandy the other day!


Jenny Hatch

*My number one tip as a vocal coach is to encourage you to pick out your dream role from your favorite show and memorize ALL of the songs and lines for that show.

Then, audition for that part over and over again until you are cast. My friend James recently described this process for playing John Adams in 1776.


Watch James Video Series describing HOW he became John Adams!


β€œIn 2009, I had my first audition for the role of John Adams in the musical 1776. I didn’t get it. But preparing for that audition inspired a determination in me to play this guy. I meanβ€”I basically was Adams: a short, explosive little know-it-all from Massachusetts! I relentlessly pursued the part, auditioning for twelve different productions until I finally got to play him, at the legendary Cape Playhouse, in 2014. Obsessed as I was with the role, and Adams himself, I immersed myself in a comprehensive study of his life, times, the role he played in the War of Independence and the founding of the United States, and his service as the second President. I inhaled the wonderful miniseries based on David McCullough’s definitive biography, starring Paul Giamatti. I read all the volumes of Adams’ autobiography and his diaries. I visited Independence Hall in Philadelphia, and met with the archivists at the Massachusetts Historical Society, where I wangled a private viewing of actual Adams letters, including the ones to his wife, Abigail, and his personal, handwritten copy of the Declaration of Independence. I visited his birthplace in Braintree and his house in Quincy. In other words, I geeked out! I even did a homemade video blog in twelve parts, chronicling my research, rehearsal and performance in 1776.β€œ

Here is a clip from James John Adams Video Blog!

I always do similarly styled role prep before I audition for a show.


I am always working on the songs and lines for my favorite roles!

My Dream Roles:

Madame Thenardier in Les Mis

Mother Abbess in Sound of Music

Nettie Fowler in Carousel

Ruth in Pirates of Penzance

Marmie in Little Women

Mother in Ragtime

Mrs. Jennings in Sense and Sensibility

Marian in The Music Man (Yes, I know I have a Mrs. Paroo body, but I love Marians songs!)

Effie White in Dreamgirls (Yes, I know I am the wrong color, but Effie’s songs are the BEST!)

Grandma in Pippen

Aunt Eller in Oaklahoma

Margurtite in Scarlett Pimpernell

Bea in Something Rotten

Penny in You Can’t Take it With You

Hattie in Kiss Me Kate

Bloody Mary in South Pacific

Anna in King and I

Golde in Fiddler on the Roof

Abigail Adams in 1776

Mrs. Potiphar in Joseph

Lily Craven in The Secret Garden

Mrs. Fairfax in Jane Eyre

Marya in Great Comet

Jenny Hatch