
Nutrition for a Healthy Pregnancy

A few thoughts on making Healthy Babies

SPUN Diet Food Record (Basic Requirements) 

No calorie counters or protein counters required! Just one check-mark in each box!

This is the chart for the Basic Plan (see “Diet” page for portion sizes). If you are using one of the Vegetarian Plans or the Twin Plan, please use the specific chart for that plan. 

See here for portion sizes for the Basic Plan of the Brewer Diet

See here for the Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Weekly Checklist

See here for the Vegan Vegetarian Weekly Checklist

See here for the Twin Weekly Checklist

If you check off each food every day, you will know that you have satisfied the Brewer minimum recommendation for 2600 calories, 80-120 grams protein, and salt-to-taste. Please check off only one box for each food (i.e. put a check mark in either “Milk” or “Protein” for a glass of milk, but not both)

Click HERE to learn more about Healing Traditions

New drugs present greater hazards as well as greater potential benefits than ever before—for they are widely used, they are often very potent, and they are promoted by aggressive sales campaigns that may tend to overstate their merits and fail to indicate the risks involved in their use. . .

There is no way of measuring the needless suffering, the money innocently squandered, and the protraction of illnesses resulting from the use of such ineffective drugs.

John F. Kennedy, in his Consumers’ Protection Message of March 15, 19621

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

French Proverb

The doctor comes with free good will, but ne’er forgets his calomel.

American folk saying, mid 1800s

We have all heard about the deleterious effects of mercury and how it is one of the most poisonous substances on earth. In fact, the World Health Organization has deemed mercury unsafe at any level of exposure.

Nevertheless, people have always been fascinated with this seemingly magical substance.

Mercury, also known as quicksilver, it is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature, and if it spills, the little globules are impossibly elusive to recover.

(Note that in the earth, mercury is not generally found in pure form but rather as part of cinnabar, or mercury sulfide.)

Like all heavy metals, mercury (Hg) in any form is extremely toxic to life. The Romans mandated mercury mining in Almadén, Spain as a form of capital punishment. Typically prisoners died after six months to three years of labor.3

The ancient Greeks relied on mercury to manufacture mirrors; to be a member of the mirror guild was considered a high honor, even though most mirror masters died in their 30s, poisoned by their craft.

The Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland probably used mercury in the felting process for his hats, hence his skewed perception of life.

Mercury is also used to extract gold and silver from ore.

Listen to me read a chapter from my book Elijah Birth below!

Buy Elijah Birth by Jenny Hatch HERE!

Audio of the Introduction to my BLOG is HERE and HERE!

A short video clip is below.