
Methinks Erin Elizabeth Finn doth protest too much

Sherri Kane and Dr. Leonard Horowitz outed her on my podcast six years ago. The "Dead Doctors" memer is up to her old tricks...

I left this comment on her Substack.

You are so full of shit.


This was her response:

Karen. Lol. Do you think your 51 year old de@d dru*g addict buddy and your fake dangerous libel interview on a sorry ass blog that nobody wants to read and nobody thinks it’s true is a good idea to spam my page with?

Sometimes God takes a while but he makes sure that the devil takes people like her. That’s where she is for eternity.


He’s just gonna take a little bit longer on a couple of the others apparently. But the clock is ticking. And thank God for God and thank God for karma. Because she’s coming fast. .

Especially when you’re a blogger addicted to so many dr*gs like her.

So it’s time for me to take the tr@sh out. But we never did a story on you because virtually nobody knows who you are and trying to hang from our coattails and the famous like you did with your dead stalker friend (they even tried moving down the street from us with that mercury disgraced former doctor) isn’t working.

And we thought about suing you but even though it’s defamation and liable, you can’t get bl@@d from a turnup. If they’re not worth anything. Or completely worthless in this case.

So scram. I would put out a rat trap but that’s an insult to actual rats.

The sad thing is you’re even worse than your f8gly de@d friend who tormented us and defamed us.

We know the real controlled opp and maybe it’s worth us sending out a newsletter to a couple million people to let everybody else know too. Problem is they would be like - who?

Never heard of them.

Jealousy doesn’t look good on you.

Do you always hang out with drug addicts like her? Or mercury disgraced br@in?

We don’t like to celebrate monsters like that taking themselves out but then again we do thank God because they were after us and he took care of it.

Now your friend will be in hell for eternity and never get away with that kind of sh** again.

You’re as irrelevant as she is.

Actually even more so. Nobody cares.

And I’m grateful to Barb, Dr. Mercola and my uncle Tom & our friend Bob Mendelssohn who started this movement with my uncle and the book they wrote together.

Reminds me that I need to post my uncle‘s articles and his book that were published on the front of the vegetarian times over 40 years ago.

The only sad part is that the devil didn’t get her sooner. Before both of you defamed us. Maybe try writing something truthful for once in your life. You would have to learn how to write first.

After an hour or so Erin deleted that comment and replaced it with This One:


Just a heads up to anybody who sees this monster who still is spamming trolling & harassing us and has been defaming and libeling Dr. mercola me and other leaders in the movement (Barb of NVIC) for years to get any bit of attention by interviewing their disgraced & now de@d friend (drug @ddict) who was stalking us and was a drug addict.

They even moved overseas to try to live closer to us (three minutes from the office) and unfortunately took one too many pills & she’s in hell now and thankful he can torment us no longer nor any of their other victims.

And I understand and appreciate that people write me and no one knows who they are, but they explain that look, people can be very jealous and twisted.

I just heard about the really bad stuff (yikes thanks for the person who informed me ) and somebody had to contact CPS today . I don’t blame them. Thank you!!!

We appreciate all those who care about their health and it is pretty obvious, just aesthetically speaking, those who don’t.

Also I appreciate those who mentioned that they wrote this the same day I announced the death of Rashid Buttar who explained that he was intentionally poisoned. A lot of people don’t think this is coincidence and we will get to the bottom who did it. Maybe the answer lies here right in the comments.

Yes we thought of suing them many times but you can’t get blO0d from a turnip. Even a turnip 10 times the normal size.:

I wonder if Erin Elizabeth Finn has ever been poisoned for her activism?

I have, and so have my children. We have been attacked over and over again while Erin and Joe hang out at the beach house.

Rest in Peace Sherri Kane!

I look forward to a joyful reunion in Heaven.

All my love,

Jenny Hatch