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Dr. Leonard Horowitz on The Jenny Hatch Show
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Dr. Leonard Horowitz on The Jenny Hatch Show

The definitive interview with the author of Emerging Viruses and Covid Coup. This show was dedicated to the late Sherri Kane.

Dr. Horowitz was on my show the very day the Pfizer and Moderna Covid Vaccine was first being deployed in America. Fourteen months later I interviewed him again.

Click on the image to listen to my follow up interview with Dr. Horowitz on Spotify.

During that year our dearest friend and fellow activist Sherri Kane was murdered by lawfare.

Seven years ago I had Dr. Horowitz on my show to talk about the drug industrialists rollout of the Ebola fraud.

Sherri Kane Murder


Release: No. 1-Hawaii Mob/3

Date Mailed: January 14, 2021

For Release After January 14, 2021

Contact: Editor,—310-877-3002

Hawaii Mob Murders Legendary Activist Sherri Kane

(; Las Vegas, NV)

“The Mob” controlling the courts and law-enforcers in Hawaii have murdered legendary activist and injustice avenger, Sherri Kane, according to her partner, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz.

“Malicious manslaughter,'” akin to murder, is charged by the doctor based on medical records and court proceedings. They show Sherri Kane’s death was triggered by severe distress causing a hypertensive brain hemorrhage on December 17, 2020. The doctor claims those who caused her death acted to inflict her damage, suffering, and ‘terminal attrition’ in their corrupted justice system.

Kane’s skyrocketing blood pressure and multiple strokes followed a “quadruple whammy” committed by the Hawaii syndicate comprised of complicit lawyers, judges, and government officials in November and early December. This mob’s outrageous corruption devastated Sherri Kane’s health and faith that justice would return her and the doctor’s stolen home and spa property on the Big Island of Hawaii; and jail the drug kingpin who forged the legal papers used to steal the couple’s estate along with the doctor’s life-savings.

Extraordinary Activist

Sherri Kane was only 51-years old when she died.

She worked as a professional avenger against injustice for more than a dozen years. An accomplished activist and investigative journalist, Sherri is best known for co-publishing with Dr. Horowitz numerous films, articles, videos, interviews, websites and social media groups exposing political corruption, judicial corruption, medical care perversion, and the ‘Hawaii mob’ that eventually killed her.

Sherri launched and administered Facebook’s popular crime-stoppers’ group, Report Corruption in Hawaii, to expose the demons damaging and destroying the lives of thousands of victims daily.

“Sherri sacrificed her life to expose the racket that has controlled Hawaii, its natives and taxpayers, since the islands’ illegal takeover by the Boston Brahman. That ‘old money’ financed the missionaries and influenced the U.S. Military in the 1800s,” Dr. Horowitz explained. “Sherri heroically exposed these menaces and their successors that control Hawaii’s commerce and courts today.”

Sherri Kane heroically exposed the state’s top criminals and their crimes, including the mounting genocides damaging Hawaiians and African Americans.

Sherri exposed people who were cruel to women, children, and animals. She opposed racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, child sex traffickers, risky vaccinations, Big Pharma’s corruption, and land thieves, especially Hilo attorney Paul J. Sulla, Jr.

Kane wrote exhaustively about Sulla, who dashed Dr. Horowitz’s dreams of developing a world-class health spa and healing community neighboring Volcanoes National Park.

Dr. Horowitz described Sherri as “fearless in the face of the drug cartel and pure evil.”

“She worked feverishly 18 hours daily as an activist, consumer health advocate, and professional avenger against injustice. Her warm loving heart, especially for infants, children, and animals, gained her a huge international following.

She always said that “animals are more conscious, loving, and caring than humans.”

Kane carried the torch for thousands of voiceless victims of the corrupted justice system. She launched a dozen websites, including this platform.

Sherri’s “Conscious Species” channel on also became very popular, as did her Facebook groups including “Big Island Lost, Found and Stolen Pets.”

Her ‘politically-incorrect’ “PizzaGate group” had several thousand subscribers before Facebook censored it.  Her superheroism was blocked repeatedly by Big Tech companies yearsbefore such censorship became widely visible.

“Sherri literally saved my life a number of times,” Dr. Horowitz said. She helped me every step of the way over the past twelve years advancing the healing arts, sciences, and music industry with,, and”

Together the couple broadcast very controversial and widely censored videos on–a site Sherri developed and managed.

Sherri Kane exposed America’s most vile racists, and the world’s worst menaces, on,, and She did all of this besides administering two online health stores, and, that financed the couples activism.

Murdered by “Lawfare”

Sherri knew many people who developed myriad diseases, become exhausted, and succumbed to the distress of mob rule over the courts, that is, “lawfare.”

Lawfare generally features malicious and damaging abuse of the courts by lawyers and judges intending to damage people, deprive them of justice, steal their rights, and/or convert their properties.

“Attrition and submission is their chief goal,” Sherri often said. “That is their ‘game-plan’ in the Hawaii courts especially. This is a crime syndicate.”

The Bar members operate this racket to cause severe distress in their victims. They often cause the death of their targets. That’s often how they gain their money, properties, and wash their profits through sham mortgages and fake bank accounts.

The FBI was keenly aware of this “public corruption,” but only acted against a limited number of outsiders. That enabled the syndicate to control and continue.

Sherri knew all about this cartel dealing drugs and stealing properties in Hawaii. But she just couldn’t detach herself from her personal struggles with this “beast.” As her losses and damages mounted so did her emotional distress and blood pressure.

“She just couldn’t cope with the injustice we witnessed year-after-year. The number of people being harmed, animals being killed. Then, during the month of November, we were struck by four deadly deeds,” Dr. Horowitz explained. These are detailed below.

It should be known that Sherri Kane’s partner, Dr. Horowitz, is a federal-court-registered medical-legal expert witness. Having witnessed the events below, he plans to file a criminal complaint with state and federal law enforcers in Florida where Sherri lived and died on January 7, 2021.

“The courts and law enforcers were repeatedly informed that Sherri had high blood pressure,” Dr. Horowitz explained. “Her medical and court records showed that her blood pressure spiked with severe emotional distress caused by the actions her adversaries committed.” (1)

“The corrupt officials stole our home,” the doctor continued. “They destroyed our spa, killed Sherri’s cat, and safe-harbored their lead agent–the grand jury-indicted forger–Paul J. Sulla.

Sulla is a widely known drug kingpin and among Hawaii’s most active forgers and land thieves. Sulla has operated as the ‘go-to-guy’ for top County of Hawaii officials, including three mayors who protected him. (2) Together, their enterprise stole properties and split profits.

These crimes extend from Hawaii and span the nation. Four FBI investigators were assigned to Sherri’s case. Each was stymied or stonewalled and unable to enforce criminal laws. There was no justice for Sherri and Len.

Sherri couldn’t tolerate this disgusting injustice.

CLICK HERE to listen to the Sherri Kane Tribute radio show archive.

The ‘Quadruple Whammy’ that Killed Sherri Kane

There were four severely distressing happenings in November, 2020 that combined to be the “proximate cause” of Sherri’s death. (2) Here they are:

Miscarriage of Justice #1: Mitch Roth’s Con Artistry

Mitch Roth ran for Mayor to replace fellow Democrat Harry Kim.

Kim’s administration worked with Sulla and, like Roth, turned a blind eye to Sulla having committed a ‘pattern and practice’ of  forging deeds and trafficking drugs.

This mob’s enterprise generated millions and millions of dollars.

For example, Sulla’s second known deed forgery in 2016 bilked the U.S. Army, foreign investors, and 80 needy low-income families out of their money and/or properties.

Sherri Kane helped publish these facts in an “Executive Summary” detailing the “Waikoloa Highlands Heist.” That scheme defrauded the chief competitor of the Hunter and Joe Biden-affiliated Burisma Holdings’ energy company in the Ukraine. These facts tied this local Hawaii crime syndicate to the Bidens’ international business influence.

That same year, as known to Roth and other County officials, Sulla forged Dr. Horowitz’s deed that was also warranted by the County.

Both forged deeds slandered titles to County of Hawaii warranted lands. Yet Roth did worse than nothing about this. He actually protected Sulla and aided-and-abetted Sulla’s illegal million dollar land conversions.

According to Sulla’s disclosures to investigative journalist Patricia Tummons in 2014, as published in Environment Hawaii, Sulla described his Hawaii mob as a “consortium.”

This Democratic Party-allied criminal consortium also controls Hawaii’s courts. Law enforcers statewide operate under its corrupt influence, according to Kane’s investigations and publications.

On November 2, 2020, one day before Roth was elected County of Hawaii mayor, Roth directed his subordinate prosecutors to dismiss Sulla’s indictment for stealing Sherri and Len’s home and spa property by obvious forgery.

Why Roth’s dismissal?

Roth was in charge of his underlings, Chris Rothfus and Andrew Son, who claimed they lacked proof for conviction “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

“Hogwash,” Horowitz protested.

Over the years, “The HOROKANE” provided Roth with substantial proof of Sulla’s string of forgeries. The one Sulla was indicted for was the ‘tip of the iceberg.’

Roth harbored Sulla repeatedly over the years regardless of the evidence presented him by Hilo police investigators.

So Roth was complicit in Sulla’s theft schemes. Roth caused the couple’s damages and distress.

What was Roth thinking?

Roth knew “The HOROKANE” had a large online following on Facebook, and Roth and his cohorts in crime needed to keep these broadcast journalists quiet long enough to win his mayoral election.

So Roth approved of Sulla’s prosecution just long enough to chill the couple’s publications and political threat.

That’s why Roth dismissed the case one day before his Democratic Party mob-controlled election.

In other words, Kane was conned into believing justice would be served against Sulla. She was defrauded into thinking the couple’s stolen property would be returned.

Subsequently, on the eve of Roth’s election, Roth obstructed justice for political gain and continued mob rule.

Roth even conned his veteran prosecutor, Rick Damerville, who worked for years to develop the now dismissed case against Sulla.

Sherri recorded a telephone conversation in which Damerville objected incredulously to Roth’s subordinate prosecutors’ sabotage. They dropped Damerville’s prosecution and dashed Kane’s hope of ‘finality’– jailing Sulla justly.

Miscarriage of Justice #2: The Dishonorable Judge Wendy DeWeese’s Con Artistry

On July 22, 2020, the State of Hawaii Intermediate Court of Appeals ruled that Sulla had probably foreclosed on Sherri’s and Len’s property illegally. So this higher court (after capriciously depriving the couple of their $200,000 jury award) vacated Sulla’s foreclosure.

That ruling sent the case back to the lower court of Judge Wendy DeWeese. Here, DeWeese compounded the couple’s distress, and caused Sherri’s death.

DeWeese disregarded the appellate Tribunal’s instruction that she  should follow case law. That required Sulla to prove his ownership of the couple’s property that Sulla acquired by multiple forgeries. This higher court ruling instructed DeWeese to permit Sherri and Len to ‘have their day in court’ to ‘adjudicate the merits’ of their defenses.

But DeWeese did neither.

On November 27, 2020, DeWeese granted Sulla the couple’s property by actually altering the higher court’s explicit ruling.

Now that dirty deed is a misdemeanor. It is called ‘evidence tampering’ under Hawaii law §710-1076.

DeWeese’s “Tampering with physical evidence” is apparent upon close examination of the appellate rulingversus DeWeese’s transcript that precisely alters the case number subject to the higher court’s decision.

DeWeese’s misdemeanor is compounded by her hindering the couple’s defense and counter-prosecution of Sulla. That’s another misdemeanor under Hawaii Revised Statute §710-1030  titled “Hindering prosecution in the second degree.”

Besides these two misdemeanors, DeWeese deprived the couple’s rights to due process, and gave Sulla their property.

So DeWeese’s deeds compounded Roth’s deadly actions that caused Kane severe distress and death.

Sherri’s blood pressure shot up wildly immediately after Roth and DeWeese ruled. Their actions, along with the following two more judicial assaults, caused Sherri’s hypertensive terminal brain hemorrhage.

Miscarriage of Justice #3: Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald’s Disciplinary Stooge, Bradley Tamm, Dismissed Kane’s Complaint Against ‘The Mob’

On November 19, 2020, as Sherri and Len were pleading for Judge DeWeese to reconsider her “error,” Sherri received notice from the Supreme Court of Hawaii’s Chief Disciplinary Counsel, Bradley Tamm, that Sherri’s complaint against Sulla’s associate rip-off artist, lawyer Gary Dubin, was dismissed.

Dubin had helped Sulla steal the couple’s property.

Later, after The HOROKANE investigated Dubin, they reported that he had been jailed for tax evasion. They discovered and published that a Deep State plot involving Dubin had converted $50 million of Philippine Dictator Ferdinand Marcos’ massive fortune. Dubin’s release from prison was tied to that money.

Dubin had been disbarred in Hawaii for ripping off many victims besides Sherri and Len.

During Dubin’s investigation by Tamm’s subordinate Office of Disciplinary Counsel (“ODC”) lawyers, the ‘white hats’ asked Sherri to submit supplemental complaints against Sulla and his co-counsel, Stephen Whittaker,and Kane did so promptly.

But Tamm intervened in order to protect their criminal enterprise. Recktenwald’s subordinate quickly dismissed Sherri’s complaints to conceal and protect Sulla and their mob’s apparent complicity in land thievery and sex and drug crimes.

Sherri and Len had provided the ODC with irrefutable evidence proving Sulla had bribed his substitute lawyer, Stephen D. Whittaker. But Tamm intervened to protect the corrupted enterprise and continue The Mob’s fraud and theft schemes.

Meanwhile, Sherri learned and published that Bradley Tamm had been disciplined himself for embezzling clients’ money as a drug addict and alcoholic suspended by the State of California Bar Association.

Presumably, Chief Justice Recktenwald couldn’t find any lawyer better qualified to do The Mob’s bidding. So Recktenwald positioned Tamm to be the ‘gate keeper’ protecting all of their racket’s most corrupt lawyers.

Miscarriage of Justice #4: Sherri Kane’s Lawyer, Margaret Wille’s, Betrayal

As evidenced by the court transcript of November 5, 2020, Judge DeWeese railroaded Kane, Horowitz and their ally, Mitch Fine who attempted to intervene in their case. “Mitch” helped finance the couple’s spa project and held substantial interest in the lands being stolen.

Appearing on the video recordingtogether, these three victims were shocked by their supposed ‘friendly defense counsel,’ Margaret Wille, who stated that she agreed with DeWeese’s ruling!

“I agree with what you are doing,” Wille told DeWeese about the railroading, effectively betraying and undermining Fine and breaking Sherri’s heart.

Wille had, in fact, advised Mitch to file his motion to intervene that De Weese was denying.

Sherri was devastated by this betrayal. She went into a state of shock.

Sherri had done substantial work for “Margaret” gratis. Sherri had launched, customized, and administered Wille’s professional website. Sherri referred clients to Margaret.

Wille had represented the journalists’ interests for four years, was paid more than $60,000.00, with twice more pending victory over Sulla.

Margaret had secured her debt over Sherri and Len by a lien on the couple’s adjacent property. So Wille’s betrayal, her agreeing with what DeWeese was doing to deprive the three damaged people, in-effect, condemned Sherri and Len to suffer many more years of costly and distressing litigation, or lose their remaining property to Margaret.

Neither Lenny nor Sherri could financially or emotionally afford many more years of this disgusting “due process.” Their abuse and attrition would secure for Wille and Sulla every bit of the couple’s properties, and leave them destitute.

Anyone with any reasonable intelligence would have taken Wille’s statement as a “stab in the back,” as Kane did to her demise.

Other than to protect Wille’s relationship with Judge DeWeese, and secure the judicial racket’s interests for Wille and Sulla, there was no need whatsoever for Wille to have said to the judge, “I agree with what you are doing.”

And then, if that wasn’t bad enough, Sherri had more good cause to be devastated.

Wille never once filed any complaint against her ‘brother’ lawyers, Sulla and Whittaker, knowing full well she was bound by her license and ethical rules to do so. Wille knew about, but neglected nonetheless, both lawyers’ host of felonies and unethical service to The Mob.

The TRANSCRIPT of that hearing of 11-05-2020, and its VIDEO RECORDING, evidences the aforementioned ‘quadruple whammy’ that sent Sherri to her grave.

CLICK HERE TO READ: Sherri Kane’s ‘Auto-Obituary’

Epilogue: Who The Mob Killed and Why We Should Care

During the month of November, through mid-December, Sherri was deeply depressed by these “judicial proceedings.” She had already not been feeling well, but after these events Sherri increasingly complained of severe headaches, and high blood pressure. She made appointments, saw a number of doctors, and took their meds to no avail.

On December 17, Sherri Kane awakened in pain. A brain aneurysm had burst sending blood into her ‘subarachnoid spece’ ultimately causing vast nerve damage and a series of strokes.

On January 7, 2020, after four emergency surgeries, and extended brain damage while on life-support, Sherri Kane died at Gulf Coast Hospital in Fort Myers, Florida, as a victim of the aforementioned “criminal abuse of process” and manslaughter.

Why care?

Sherri Kane personified the best of humanity, decency, integrity, and pure love. She was a mesmerizing ‘larger-than-life’  avenger against injustice by reason of the compassion she felt for others victimized, as she was, by psychopaths.

Sherri lent her pen, beauty, acting skills, and voice to those who were voiceless–to the masses of people, especially women and children, deprived of their rights, dignity, and properties.

Sherri battled incessantly for those made sick and enslaved by the “judicial racket” that killed her.

That’s why Sherri created this website,, and her popular Facebook group, Report Hawaii Corruption–to help secure people’s happiness and properties.

Sherri Kane’s efforts extended beyond Hawaii to the world damaged by political corruption, and the trafficking of drugs and human sex slaves. Sherri wrote about why she did this in her own ‘auto-obituary‘ penned three months before she died. You can read Sherri’s beautifully-written ‘life story’, her formative years, her trials and tribulations, and a bit of her many accomplishments by CLICKING HERE.

Before and after Sherri’s funeral (that took place near Philadelphia at the King David Memorial Cemetery on January 11, 2021), her friends and loved ones prayed that justice would be served upon those named above, and others in “law enforcement” who violated their oaths, disgraced their offices, and distressed, damaged, and arguably murdered Sherri.

What will become of these complicit agents?

Surely Sherri’s adversaries will continue to justify their actions and likely get away with murdering others if something is not done to stop them. All of Sherri’s friends agreed about this and the hopelessness it imparts. No help is expected from the complicit FBI or DEA as Sherri and Len unfortunately learned repeatedly.

Each of the devildoers will all surely deny their complicity and accountability in Sherri’s death. They will divert from, conceal, and otherwise defend their recklessness, malice, and/or negligent manslaughter of this most beloved heart and soul.

That will not, however, obviate their karmic debt, and impact on their destinies. Sherri’s friends all agreed that the damage done to Sherri, her grieving mother and many others Sherri helped, shall afflict and solemnly burden the devildoers’ lives evermore.

Sherri’s manslaughter condemns their spirits to suffer eternally.

After her funeral, Sherri’s friends gathered and discussed the best and likeliest outcome for these people who robbed society of Sherri’s beauty and loving service at the young age of 51. They should be, and will be, tortured under God’s ‘due process,’ all agreed.

Now, ‘from the other side,’ Sherri continues to help us. She now works with the angels of retribution.

Everyone who knew Sherri well, knowing her intense spiritual power, and uncanny metaphysical activity (all mentored by her prophetically-psychic grandmother next to whom Sherri now rests in peace), agreed on this prediction too: Sherri would surely serve beyond her grave, from heaven, helping to avenge her killing and the damage done similarly to others.

Justice shall be administered to the traitors against decency, morality, ethical responsibility, and constitutional duty. Sherri’s soul arises from her grave to serve this higher calling.

There is no doubt about this. The evidence is already mounting.

Two days after Sherri’s death Sulla’s main protector–the new Hilo mayor, Mitch Roth–suffered a heart attack.

That was no ‘coincidence.’ This news broke on the day Sherri was burried.

In Sherri’s own words, included in her obituary linked HERE, “Sherri always said, ‘there is no such thing as “coincidences.” Her greatest wish was to see justice served.”

Sherri’s greatest wish shall surely come true, since she now has the freedom to give the demons a taste of their own ‘medicine.’


Click to Read Top 30 Replies to This Article and Dr. Horowitz’s Responses: People Pray for Angelic Retribution for Sherri Kane’s Murder


(1) Dr. Horowitz alleges that several Big Island judges, lawyers, and prosecutors committed Sherri’s manslaughter. They caused her death recklessly or maliciously. There is evidence of “malicious intent.” And both voluntary and involuntary manslaughter are crimes according to Hawaii law §707-702 and/or Florida Statute 782.07(1). These statutes criminalize “attempted manslaughter.” In Florida this violation includes the offense of “attempted murder.”

According to Florida law, a second degree felony is committed by killing someone by “culpable negligence.”

(2) Sherri Kane had sought justice to serve karma upon those who had killed her cat, diverted her professional productivity, and largely stole her happiness.

Sherri’s domestic partner, Dr. Horowitz, had been battling to retain their house and 27-acre estate spa property for years against the grand jury-indicted deed forger and predicate land thief, Paul J. Sulla, Jr. Sulla is one of the nation’s leading hallucinogenic drug traffickers.

The couple’s criminal complaints appeared to pay off on December 4, 2020, when Sulla was indicted by a Hilo grand jury for forging one of the couple’s deeds. Over the years, Sulla had altered a number of deeds, mortgages, and notes; all repeatedly neglected by the former prosecutor, now Mayor, Mitch Roth.
