A message from Charlene Stott and a PLEA to sign the Petition!
From the Pray to Protect Facebook Group
BREAKING - A heartfelt message from Charlene
The fact that evil in the form of child abuse can exist in our communities and Pedophiles are not removed says a lot about our communities.
Blame it on our poor justice system and law enforcement but I think it is because we are all asleep.
Law enforcement and the justice system quietly go about not doing their job and even being part of the problem and we go about our busy-ness and think there is nothing I can do and that is all "out there".
I have a game to watch and a lawn to mow.
It is too bad that children are being sacrificed as we speak but that isn't something I can do anything about. Someone else will take care of that.
If those who follow Satan are weak, stupid, and lack real courage because that is what evil does to you what does that say about those who profess to follow Christ and suffer from the same maladies?
If you think this evil will not touch you or your loved ones, you are VERY naïve.
If you don't think the blood of these children will not cry out against the communities that didn't do something and if you think your mowed lawn will matter, there are no words.
If those who truly profess to follow Christ stood up, this evil would be gone.
Our leaders are complicit and we have to realize this if it is to be gone.
There are leaders in our church and government that must be exposed and removed. We are responsible for the condition of our communities-not our leaders.
Ether 8:24
Wherefore, the Lord commandeth YOU, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon THOSE (US) who built it up."
If you do nothing, you are building it up and if you are naive enough to say it isn't among us, you have built it up.
What will happen to US when the blood of these children finally cry out against OUR community that WE didn't protect.
Sign the flippin petition-